Checkmate! The Secret to Strategic Talent Management
November 17th, 2012 by Michael Page
Much like playing a game of chess, effective leaders need to be strategic. Now you might be asking yourself, what exactly does it take to be a strategic leader? Well, a recent article from written by Paul Schoemaker presents the Six Habits of True Strategic Thinkers. These habits include: • Anticipate future market and industry trendsRead More
How Global Giant AECOM Develops Smart Engineers into Solid Leaders
September 22nd, 2012 by Michael Page
Developing leadership capabilities are essential to ensure focus on the short-term and long-term health of any organization. Effective leadership development enables companies to react quickly to change and to endure in difficult times. A Fortune 500 company and global provider of professional, technical, and management services, AECOM serve clients in over 100 countries. They developedRead More
Common Courtesy is Charismatic! by Deiric McCann
August 30th, 2012 by Michael Page
Common courtesy is so uncommon that it’s actually charismatic! In the research for ‘Leadership Charisma’ we surveyed almost 400,000 employees worldwide to see what charismatic leaders did that engaged those who worked for them to be so much more productive. There were lots of factors – one of those was common courtesy. What’s clear fromRead More
5 Tips for Creating a Team Building Culture at Work
July 19th, 2012 by Michael Page
5 Tips for Creating a Team Building Culture at Work Creating a team-building culture starts with individual, engaged employees. Engaged employees are happier at work, get more done, and routinely go above and beyond their job descriptions. They also encourage other employees to be more engaged and productive. Most importantly, these employees are proud toRead More
Would You Hire Someone with a Criminal Record?
June 1st, 2012 by Michael Page
Would You Hire Someone with a Criminal Record? April 25th 2012 saw a shocking announcement that will affect the careers of millions of workers. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued a new Enforcement Guidance on criminal background checks. Despite heavy concerns from the Chamber of Commerce and background check industry professionals, the new guidanceRead More
Selling is still a contact sport.
May 16th, 2012 by Michael Page
Social media, the Internet, blogging, tweeting and inbound marketing are new-age tools to help with an old-age challenge: selling. Yes, your potential customer still shops, does research, uses Google and visits your website; however, when it is time to buy they still reach out and connect with someone. So selling is still a contact sport.Read More
Want to hire the best? 2 Reasons Why Interviews Aren’t Enough
April 29th, 2012 by Michael Page
How do you know if your new-hire has the suitable skills, intelligence and attitude to perform on the job? A recent article from Forbes, titled “Stop Being Deceived by Interviews When You’re Hiring,” was spot on in addressing this issue.
Employee Retention
April 29th, 2012 by Michael Page
The estimated cost of replacing a mid-level employee is as much as 150% of that person’s annual compensation package. A staggering number indeed. Especially when you take that number and multiply it by the number of employees in your organization. High employee turnover can basically sink your ship.
A gut feeling…
April 5th, 2012 by Michael Page
How many times have you made a decision based on your “gut”? Most likely, more times than you may want to admit. When I hear, “this is a ‘gut’ call” or “I just feel good about this” or my favorite “this seems right,” I tend to cringe. How many times has your gut been right vs. when it has been wrong? What is your “gut”?
Start Engaging and Motivating Your Employees Today!
March 29th, 2012 by Michael Page
Companies have made significant cuts, which almost certainly weigh heavily on those employees who remain. To get the job done, companies rely on a core group of employees whom they trust and believe in. How can you keep these people motivated and engaged to perform – and for how long?